The demand for soft skills training continues to soar. Discover why and explore design strategies for squishy topics.
Enhance Excel data analysis in L&D with AI tools like ChatGPT and Copilot. Discover practical steps for organizing, linking, and visualizing your data.
Whether you're a seasoned data analyst or a beginner, harnessing AI tools can democratize data analysis, making it accessible, engaging, efficient and easy to use.
Explore ways your organization’s learning culture can sustain a practical training program and focus on growing your first-time people leaders to set them up for success right from the start.
L&D trends are driven by the people we are here to support; understanding their needs is paramount to recognizing the direction the industry is moving.
Many organizations are jumping on the upskilling bandwagon. Sadly, without a clear direction or strategy.
You know you want a learning culture for your organization. Now, how do you go about growing it? Follow these steps to get your planning off right.
There is not much more rewarding work than tackling the very human-centered initiative of upskilling or reskilling to support your organization’s efforts to reduce attrition, implement an enterprise transformation, or to build value, trust, and loyalty.
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